LEAP Start-up Programme

Programme now closed for registration
Leadership meeting
A Free Business Start-up Programme.

LEAP is a free business start-up programme delivered by Edeal in association with Eastbourne Borough Council. The programme is fully funded by the UK Government via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund; this intensive business support programme offers a £2,500 prize in the form of a grant to one lucky winner!

The LEAP Eastbourne 2024 winners seen here with Councillor Stephen Holt, the Leader of Eastbourne Borough Council. From L to R, Heather Godding of Ceremonies with Heather (second place finalist) and Kerry Fradelos & Victoria Fuller of Send a Smile Gifting Ltd (overall winners).
The Leap Programme Is Delivered In Three Stages:
Stage 1

Attendance at a business start-up workshop, which can be either a physical one-day workshop or an online workshop across 2 days. Places are limited and are taken on a first come, first served basis.

  • The one-day workshop will be held at The View Hotel, Eastbourne on the 13th May 2024.
  • The online workshop will be delivered in 2 parts across 2 days on the 20th and 21st May 2024.
Stage 2

Following the workshop, up to 20 selected candidates will be allocated a dedicated business mentor who will work with them to produce a strong business plan. They will also attend four 3-hour workshops on Finance, Marketing, Legal and Social Media Marketing. Again, these workshops will be delivered in person and online.

The completed business plans will be submitted and judged, and five finalists will be selected to present their plans to the judges at a mini–Dragons Den event where a winner will be chosen. The winner will be announced at an awards event where they will win a cash prize of £2,500.

Stage 3

Additional mentoring support is available to help candidates launch their new business.

There are a limited number of places available on this programme, you must register for the programme via this link. A member of the Edeal team will then contact you with further information.

Programme now closed for registration
Programme now closed for registration
So, if you live in the Eastbourne Borough Council area and you are thinking of starting a new business then what are you waiting for? The programme is also open to businesses who have been trading less than 12 months.
Customer Testimonials
Don't just take out word for it. See how we've helped others.
Social Media 1-2-1

The trainer made everything very easy to understand, I am a novice at all things social Media and I didn’t feel that any of my questions were responded to in a way that went over my head.

Social Media 1-2-1

Very welcoming and friendly. Amazing session and learnt so much. Tailored the session to my needs. Answered all my questions. Lots of demonstrations on her computer.

1-2-1 Advice

My Consultant did very well in the whole process with particular attention to listening to my questions and finding solutions for them.

Start-up Workshops

Verbalising our business ideas and hearing the ideas of others was excellent.

1-2-1 Advice

I was feeling overwhelmed by the whole process (especially financial side) and didn’t know where to start. The advisor was great at putting everything into an orderly structure and guiding me in the right direction.

Start-up Workshops

I was very happy with the workshop, it was in depth, thought provoking and informative.